martes, 3 de abril de 2007

Notas de Viaje I


"Intérprete del género intacto, el bolero y de la trova, Carmen Prieto llegó al Area de la Bahia para hacer vibrar a quienes la escucharon. Un bolero, un lando, tan solo un canto que nos recuerda el amor."
Chelis Lopez
KPOO, 89.5FM
San Francisco, California
Marzo 2007

"Carmen's voice is so powerful - she reminded me of Mercedes Sosa of Argentina and Norma Elena Gadea of Nicaragua. She was so great...!"
Nina Serrano
La Raza Chronicles
KPFA Radio, 94.1FM
Berkeley, California

"I had a great time seeing Carmen sing last night at La Peña de Berkeley, as well as being able to talk to her for a few minutes. It was very nice to hear her dedicate a song to her Angel.
The concert was excellent. The audience loved her. It was a sold-out show and there were at least 250 people there. I bought one of her CD’s and look forward to listening to it soon."
Christopher Frey
UC Berkeley Engineer
Intel Corporation

Foto: Carmen Prieto en El Mesón Nerudiano, Santiago, Chile. Marzo 2007.-

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